15 Great Tips For Your Baby’s First Swimming Pool Trip

15 Great Tips For Your Baby’s First Swimming Pool Trip As the weather hots up, what better way to keep you and baby cool than a trip to the pool? Babies love to swim and it can be a fantastic way to bond with your little one during the warm summer months. However, it can also be potentially dangerous unless you know what you’re doing.

If you want to ensure your baby’s first trip to the pool is memorable for all the right reasons, below you’ll discover 15 great tips to follow.

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Would You Use A Lactation Pod? Everything You Need To Know

Would You Use A Lactation Pod? Everything You Need To KnowBreastfeeding might be one of the most natural things in the world, but when it comes to doing it in public, it can be an uncomfortable process.

Despite increased awareness being raised in recent years, there’s still sadly a huge taboo surrounding this natural activity. In some places, mothers are even being stopped and told to use the restroom if they attempt to feed their little one in public.

Of course, some mothers feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public anyway, so they’re forced to use the restroom if they’re out and about with their baby.

Whatever your views and preferences are about feeding your baby in public, one company might have come up with a solution – the lactation pod.

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Baby Gum Care – Everything You Need To Know

Baby Gum Care – Everything You Need To KnowOne of the most common questions new parents have is how soon should they should start to look after baby’s gums? There’s a staggering amount of advice and tips on caring for a newborn, but gum care isn’t typically commonly listed.

It’s logical to think that gum care should start when baby develops their first teeth. However, many experts suggest that it should begin long before this. If you’re struggling to find adequate baby gum care information, below you’ll discover everything you need to know.

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10 Of The Worst Pieces Of Baby Advice Often Given (And Why You Should Avoid Them)

10 Of The Worst Pieces Of Baby Advice Often Given (And Why You Should Avoid Them)The moment you become pregnant, you’ll find the entire world seems to have an opinion or some piece of wisdom you absolutely need to follow. Even popping to the grocery store, you’ll find complete strangers feel the need to pass on their years of advice. While their heart is in the right place, unfortunately this sudden invasion of unwanted advice can start to drive you insane.

It’s not just a simple annoyance however. Some pieces of advice offered to new parents isn’t just ineffective, it’s potentially dangerous too (no wonder it seems so crazy!) Here, we’ll look at 10 of the worst pieces of advice parents are often given and why you should avoid following them.

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How To Design The Perfect Nursery – Tips, Advice, And Ideas

How To Design The Perfect Nursery - Tips, Advice, And IdeasOne of the most exciting parts of preparing for baby to arrive is getting to design their nursery. However, it can also be really difficult knowing how to decorate it.

If you’ve been staring at a blank room for months and you just can’t decide what to do with it, here you’ll discover some great tips, advice, and ideas on how to design the perfect nursery for your baby.

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Understanding Lactose Intolerance In Babies – Causes, Signs And Symptoms

Understanding Lactose Intolerance in Babies - Causes, Signs And SymptomsCould your little one be suffering from lactose intolerance? It’s not overly common, but it is possible for babies to develop a lactose intolerance and it can cause quite worrying symptoms.

Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about lactose intolerance in babies and why a correct diagnosis is essential.

What Is It?

Before you can determine whether or not your little one has a lactose intolerance, it helps to know exactly what it is.

Lactose is found in dairy products such as cow’s milk, and it’s a natural type of sugar. Our bodies contain a digestive enzyme known as lactase, which is responsible for breaking down lactose so it’s easily digested.

A lactose intolerance develops when the body isn’t producing enough of the lactase enzyme, making it more difficult to break it down. As the unchanged lactose passes through the gut, bacteria start to eat it, causing unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea and a build-up of excess gas.

There’s actually two different types of lactose intolerance, each caused by slightly different things. So, let’s look at these different types and their possible causes…

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How To Choose A Pediatrician – Questions To Ask

How To Choose A Pediatrician - Questions To AskWhen baby arrives, having a trusted pediatrician is going to be incredibly useful. They are there to answer any questions you may have and to ensure baby is happy and healthy. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure you are choosing a pediatrician you can trust.

Now ideally, you’ll want to choose a pediatrician when you’re still pregnant. It’s the last thing you’ll feel like doing once baby arrives! However, even if you have left it until the birth of your little one, there are some useful tips that can help you to ensure you choose the best pediatrician available.

Here, we’ll look at how to choose a pediatrician, including the questions you’ll want to ask during the interview and what to look out for.

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How To Soothe A Baby’s Cough At Home

How To Soothe A Baby’s CoughThe first time your baby develops a bad cough, it can be extremely worrying. However, coughing, wheezing, and developing a cold is actually pretty common during the infant stage, and even while your baby is teething.  You usually have absolutely nothing to worry about, though a quick trip to the doctors is always reassuring!

Once you know it’s nothing serious, the big question is how can you treat it? When adults have a cough, over the counter medicine usually works wonders. However, for babies and toddlers, you can’t just buy any old cough medicine due to potentially nasty side effects.

Here, we’ll look at ways to soothe a baby’s cough without, or as a supplement to, medicine. While these home remedies for your baby’s cough are considered safe, it’s also important to point out here that any medicine you do give to your little one should always be prescribed from a doctor. 

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How Rigid Should Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule Be?

How Rigid Should A Baby’s Sleep Schedule Be?When it comes to solving baby’s sleep issues, one of the main pieces of advice you’re given is to ensure they have a strict bedtime schedule. This is said to help get them into a routine, eventually making it easier to get them to sleep and more importantly, prevent them from waking up too frequently.

However, can baby’s sleep schedule ever be too strict? Here we’ll look at just how rigid your little one’s sleep schedule should be.

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10 Great Smartphone Apps To Help You Survive Baby’s First Year

10 Great Smartphone Apps To Help You Survive Baby’s First YearBeing a new parent is tough. You’ve spent months preparing for your little one’s arrival and getting more and more excited with each passing day. Then, when they finally arrive, the feeling of unconditional love and joy is overwhelming. That is of course, until the fear hits you!

Suddenly, you have a tiny, helpless infant to look after and you realize you have no clue what you’re doing. No amount of baby books can prepare you for the overwhelming sense of responsibility you feel. It’s scary, no terrifying, to think you’re in charge of keeping baby safe, happy and healthy. However, the great thing about being a new parent today is that you’re never alone.

Thanks to technology, surviving baby’s first year is easier than ever before. There’s a huge amount of help available at your fingertips. Smartphone and tablet apps available for both iOS and Android are especially useful and can really help to minimize the stress and worry that’s all part of being a new parent.

If you’re feeling the pressure, or you simply want to be prepared, grab your iPhone or Android and get ready! Below you’ll discover 10 great apps to help you survive baby’s first year.

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