Have You Tried The Stroller Workout Yet?

Have You Tried The Stroller Workout Yet?There’s a new type of workout designed for busy moms that’s taking the world by storm. The stroller workout, also referred to as the buggy workout, is a great way to get back in shape after giving birth and most importantly – it’s so quick and easy to do.

You already get a good workout from your stroller as you push it around the grocery store or to your local park However, there’s a number of ways you can turn this essential piece of equipment into a more effective, intensive workout tool.

If you’ve never tried, or never even heard of the stroller workout, below you’ll discover everything you need to know.

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5 Things To Do On Sundays To Make Parenting Easier During The Week

5 Things To Do On Sundays To Make Parenting Easier During The WeekFeeling run down, stressed and exhausted? Being a parent is no easy feat and it can often feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. With so many tasks to complete, it can easily become overwhelming and the stress just keeps on building day after day.

If you’re fed up of the constant daily battles to keep on top of everything, there is one way to make things a little easier. Carrying out certain tasks at the weekend could help make parenting much easier during the week. Sunday’s, for example, are a particularly great day to get ahead.

So, if you’re ready to make a change and get back in control of the situation, here you’ll discover 5 things you can do on a Sunday to ease the pressure during the week.

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Date Night Ideas You Won’t Need A Babysitter For

Date Night Ideas You Won’t Need A Babysitter ForLet’s face it, keeping the romance alive when you’ve just had a baby isn’t easy! You’re exhausted, you’re sleep deprived and by the time baby goes to bed, all you want to do is sleep or collapse in front of the TV. It doesn’t get easier during the toddler stage either.

Not only is it exhausting being a parent, but it’s also more difficult to enjoy any time to yourself. Date nights become a lot more difficult; especially if you can’t find a babysitter. However, did you know there’s plenty of date night ideas you and your partner can enjoy which don’t require a babysitter?

Date nights are extremely important as they help to maintain the bond the two of you had before baby came along. Close and happy parent’s equal happy kids. So, if you’re looking to keep the spark alive, below you’ll discover some of the top date night ideas you won’t need a babysitter for.

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Self-Care For Parents – The Ultimate Guide

Self-Care For Parents - The Ultimate GuideWhen was the last time you enjoyed a little self-care? If like many moms you can’t even remember the last time you did something for you, it’s time to make a change.

As a new mom or dad, life changes pretty quickly. Suddenly, your entire focus and energy becomes all about the needs of your baby. It’s understandable, but it’s also potentially damaging; not just for you but for baby too. The thing is, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you’re not going to be able to properly take care of your little one.

A happy mom and dad equals a happy baby, so self-care shouldn’t be seen as a luxury; it should be considered an essential.

So, if you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and you don’t even seem to be able to find time to eat some days, how can you fit in a little self-care? Well, the main question should be, how can you afford not to?

There are ways you can fit self-care tasks into your routine. Below, you’ll discover 20 self-care tasks and tips for parents that will fit around even the busiest schedule.

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Stressed Out And Struggling With Your Baby? Mindfulness Could Be The Answer

Stressed Out And Struggling With Your Baby? Mindfulness Could Be The AnswerBecoming a new parent is exciting, but it’s also extremely tough. No matter how many books you’ve read, or how much advice you’ve gathered throughout your pregnancy, nothing can prepare you for the challenges ahead!

It’s common for new parents to quickly find themselves run down, stressed and struggling to cope with the demands of their newborn. Lack of sleep, increased worry and simply not seeming to have anywhere near as many hours in the day as you need to get everything done, can leave you feeling exhausted, deflated and emotionally drained.

Although it is common to feel like this, it doesn’t mean you have to just ride it out. There are a lot of techniques and methods to cope with the struggles of being a new parent and mindfulness is proving to be one of the most popular and effective methods around.

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How To Avoid The 10 Financial Mistakes Many New Parents Make

How To Avoid The 10 Financial Mistakes Many New Parents Make As a new parent, life can be pretty tough. Trying to take care of baby on 3 hours sleep, seeing every innocent object as a potential danger hazard and struggling to keep up with the never-ending mountain of chores, can leave very little mind-space for anything else – especially finances!

It’s easy to let finances slip when you have so many other things to worry about. However, if they do, eventually it could lead to potentially serious and stressful problems. The good news is, there are ways you can get on top of your finances early on to prevent them from spiraling out of control. First, it helps to be aware of the mistakes you could be making.

Here, we’ll look at the 10 financial mistakes many new parents make and how they can be avoided.

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10 Must-Know Work/Life Balance Tips For Parents

10 Must-Know Work/Life Balance Tips For ParentsWhether you’ve been forced to return to work due to financial constraints, or whether you simply don’t want to give up your career, being a working parent is tough. Not only is it almost impossible to keep up with your never-ending list of daily tasks, but it’s also pretty draining on your emotions too.

It’s not uncommon for working parents to feel constantly guilty. Being at work full-time, means you often miss important events and the general guilt at being away from your child can be difficult to handle.

If you’re struggling to find a good balance between work and life, below you’ll discover some top tips that can help.

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Breastfeeding – Foods To Eat, And Foods To Avoid

Breastfeeding – Foods To Eat, And Foods To AvoidIt might be the most natural thing in the world, but breastfeeding isn’t as straightforward as you initially might think. Not only is it sometimes more difficult than many new moms imagined, but there’s also a lot of things that need to be considered in order to ensure baby is getting the nutrients they need.

Did you know for example, that everything you eat and drink, continues to get passed down to your baby via your breastmilk? This means there’s certain foods and drinks you’ll want to avoid, and some you’ll want to stock up on.

To make it easier, below you’ll discover which foods you should be eating and which should be avoided to give your little one the best start in life.

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Need Some Pamper Time? 10 Great Beauty Tips For Busy Moms

Need Some Pamper Time? 10 Great Beauty Tips For Busy MomsWhen you become a parent, your priorities change. Life becomes all about keeping your baby safe, healthy, and happy and that, as all new moms find out, is a full-time job. Sleepless nights and hectic days leave little time for “you”.

The lack of time moms have to get themselves ready is well-known and often joked about. You may have even come across funny internet memes with quotes such as “My hairstyle? It’s called Being a Mother”. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with spending less time on yourself once baby comes along, for many moms it can really start to get them down.

If you’re desperate to get back to “You” again but you really struggle to find the time, here you’ll discover 10 fantastic beauty tips for busy moms.

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How To Handle Unwanted Parenting Advice

How To Handle Unwanted Parenting AdviceThe minute you become a new parent, it seems the world and his wife has some piece of advice on how it should be done. As useful as some of this advice can be, there are times it can get more than a little overwhelming. Unwanted advice is something that’s really difficult for new moms to deal with. You don’t want to be rude, but you also want to be left to do things your way.

So how do you handle unwanted advice without causing offense? Well, the truth is, sometimes you can’t. However, what you need to remember is this is YOUR baby and you need to put yours and their feelings first. If unwanted advice is stressing you out, it’s going to affect your little one too. It’s also going to get a lot worse if you bottle it up.

If you’re sick of being told what you’re doing is wrong and how you should be doing it, below you’ll discover the best ways to deal with persistent unwanted parenting advice.

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