10 Top Parenting Tips Every Dad Should Know

10 Top Parenting Tips Every Dad Should KnowThe majority of parenting tips you come across tend to be catered to moms. It’s not surprising, but it can be insulting for all the dedicated dads out there.
Times have changed dramatically, with more men than ever before taking on a more prominent parenting role.

If you’re a hard-working dad, or a stay at home single father, here you’ll discover the top 10 parenting tips that will make your life significantly easier. Of course, some of these you’ll already have heard or know, but it could never hurt to go over thema gain. 

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Top Parent Soothing Tips – How To Stay Calm When Baby Is Crying

Parent Soothing: How To Stay Calm When Your Baby Is CryingBefore your little bundle of joy arrived, you knew there were going to be tough times ahead. You likely heard many stories about the sleepless nights and endless crying fits that were to come. It’s no secret babies cry a lot, but hearing about it and experiencing it are two very different things!

Not only can the sound of your little one constantly crying be hard on your ears, it can also be really distressing. As a new parent, you’re instinctively driven to soothe and protect your infant from the minute they’re born. So, when nothing you do seems to be working, combined with the endless sleepless nights, it can be really upsetting and make you want to have your own little breakdown right there on the kitchen floor!

As you may have already found out, when you get stressed, it in turn stresses your baby out even more. So, this then makes it much more difficult to soothe them if you’re not relaxed and in control.

If you’re struggling to stay calm, and trust me, you’re not alone, below you’ll discover some of the top parent soothing tips that could save your sanity.

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And Then There Were Three – How Having A Baby Affects Your Relationship

And Then There Were Three – How Having A Baby Affects Your RelationshipMany first-time parents are surprised by just how much having a baby changes their relationship. There’s a huge misconception that having a baby will suddenly make everything blissful and complete.

While it’s true a baby can complete your little family unit, particularly if you’ve been trying for a long time to conceive, they can also place a massive strain on a relationship. Even the strongest of couples can find themselves rocked by the new arrival.

Of course, having a baby can make you stronger as a couple in the long-term, but it does help to be aware of the potential problems you’re likely to go through first! Here we’ll look at the main changes you can expect and the consequences they can have in your relationship.

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Going Back To Work After Having A Baby – When’s The Right Time?

Going Back To Work After Having A Baby – When’s the Right Time?One of the toughest choices parents need to make after having a child is when or if they should return to work.

It’s common to feel guilty for even thinking about going back to work. However, long gone are the days where one parent could permanently stay at home and live off the other parent’s wage. If you’re a single parent, you definitely won’t have that luxury. Therefore, it’s often more of a necessity for parents to work these days.

Or maybe you actually enjoy your career and it’s important for you to return? These days it is possible to be a parent and career person, yet there is still a lot of stigma surrounding working moms in particular.

Whatever the situation, deciding when to go back can be difficult. If you’re struggling to make a decision, below you’ll discover everything you need to know, along with some useful advice on choosing the right time to go back to work.

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10 Tips For Juggling A Baby And Toddler

10 Tips For Juggling A Baby And ToddlerAre you freaking out wondering how on earth you’re going to manage looking after a baby AND a toddler?

Whether you’ve just found out you’re expecting again, or whether your birth date is moving alarmingly closer – stop and breathe! You’re right to be concerned.

Raising a toddler is hard enough and you know exactly how hard raising a baby is! So, raising the two together is a whole different level of stress! However, there are some simple tips you can follow to make juggling a baby and toddler easier.

It’s also worth reminding yourself on a frequent basis that you’re getting the hard work done and out of the way having two children aged so closely together! While your friends who have kids with larger age gaps will be struggling in later years, you’ll be getting to enjoy life, jetting off on holidays and relaxing in the knowledge those hard years are behind you!

Keep telling yourself that when you’re huddled on the floor wondering what the heck happened to your life! (Just kidding, well, mostly kidding!).

For now, here’s 10 of the best tips to help you juggle a baby and toddler without having a major meltdown…

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How To Use Your Hormones To Become A Happier, Better Parent

How To Use Your Hormones To Become A Better, Happier ParentHave you ever wondered why some people appear to be much happier with parenting than others? Well, according to science, it could be down to hormones.
Research carried out over the past decade, has shown that Oxytocin has a direct impact on how you feel and respond to your little one. So how exactly does it affect your parenting skills and is it possible to manipulate your Oxytocin levels to become a happier, better parent?

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20 Essential Tips For First Time Parents

first time parent tipsBeing a first-time parent can be terrifying. From the minute you discover you’re pregnant, to the minute you take your little bundle of joy home, fear has a tendency to creep in and fill your head with doubt. It’s a massive responsibility taking care of such a fragile little human. As a parent you have an overwhelming urge to protect them as you see for the first time just how scary the world can be.

With every milestone comes a fresh wave of worry. So how can you stop this and just enjoy being a new parent? The truth is, you can’t. Part of being a new parent is worrying about what could happen. It’s completely natural and all part and parcel of being a parent.

However, the good news is women have been having babies for centuries. That means, there’s a lot of advice out there that can really help to make being a first-time parent a lot less terrifying. Here you’ll discover 20 essential tips that will help you survive the first year of parenthood…

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How To Handle Unwanted Parenting Advice

How To Handle Unwanted Parenting AdviceThe minute you become a new parent, it seems the world and his wife has some piece of advice on how it should be done. As useful as some of this advice can be, there are times it can get more than a little overwhelming. Unwanted advice is something that’s really difficult for new moms to deal with. You don’t want to be rude, but you also want to be left to do things your way.

So how do you handle unwanted advice without causing offense? Well, the truth is, sometimes you can’t. However, what you need to remember is this is YOUR baby and you need to put yours and their feelings first. If unwanted advice is stressing you out, it’s going to affect your little one too. It’s also going to get a lot worse if you bottle it up.

If you’re sick of being told what you’re doing is wrong and how you should be doing it, below you’ll discover the best ways to deal with persistent unwanted parenting advice.

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Learning To Embrace Your Strong-Willed Child

Learning To Embrace Your Strong-Willed ChildAfter giving birth, you tend to get an idea in your head of how parenting is going to go. You imagine how this perfect little human will turn out, what they will be when they grow up and how you’re going to teach them all the important things in life. It’s a blissful, magical time full of endless possibilities. That is of course, until your little dreamy bubble is ripped apart by constant tantrums, very little sleep and you slowly start to lose the will to live.

Children come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. While parenting any child can be challenging enough, raising a strong-willed child is one of the most difficult, sanity testing experiences you’ll ever go through. All of the discipline techniques you’re told are guaranteed to work such as the “naughty step”, fail miserably, regardless of how persistent you are. And as for sleep, wait, what’s that? 😉

If you’re just about ready to give up, pack your bags and disappear onto a remote desert island to escape this terror, stop. The answer is to learn to embrace your strong-willed child. So how exactly can you do that when you’re practically pulling your hair out in frustration?

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How To Deal With The Emotional Issues That Come With Parenthood

How To Deal With The Emotional Issues That Come With ParenthoodBecoming a parent is one of the best, yet also one of the most frightening experiences you’ll ever go through. It’s a time full of joy and happiness, as friends and family bombard you with gifts, cards and messages of “congratulations!”. However, what you aren’t often told or warned about, is that initial joy can soon be replaced with a whole host of emotional issues.

Being a new parent is scary. No amount of preparation sets you up for the sheer terror you face when you realise it’s your sole responsibility to keep your baby safe and healthy. It’s not just fear you have to contend with either. Guilt, stress and the feeling of not being good enough are just some of the emotional issues that can present themselves.

If you’re struggling to cope with any of these unexpected and difficult emotional problems, the first thing you need to know is you are not alone. It may not be talked about very often, but most new parents have felt the way you feel right now. The good news is there are ways to deal with these issues and survive the first year (and those after it) 😉 without losing your sanity.

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