Teeth discoloration may seem too common to become harmful, so many parents simply shrug off their shoulders about it. Anyway, it may not hurt to have some streaks on the teeth that will eventually fall off, isn’t it? But wait! What if teeth discoloration has a major implication in your child’s dental health later on? Would you bother to take a couple of minutes to know more about it? [Read more…]
Crooked Teeth In Babies – What You Need To Know
Your baby’s smile can instantly lift up your mood and energy to continue striving as a parent. But what if you notice the baby teeth coming in crooked? Is it something that you should be concerned about? Let’s find out the implication of crooked teeth in babies and what you can do about it, so you no longer have to worry. [Read more…]
Can A Calcium Or Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Problems With Tooth Eruption?
This was a reader-submitted question. To have your question answered for free, read through this post to the end!
Are you a parent who is concerned about the delayed eruption of your infant’s first tooth?
The American Dental Association (ADA) said babies are born with an almost complete set of 20 primary teeth under their gums. These are called the “crowns” of the teeth that are expected to gradually break out on the gum’s surface beginning around 6 months to 3 years of age.
The eruption of the first tooth is among the most anticipated events in an infant’s life. Parents often look forward to seeing it bud through their little one’s gum and some may even document it with photos. Apart from it being a significant developmental milestone, why is it so important to have healthy and complete primary teeth? Here’s why: [Read more…]