Gender Disappointment Is Real. Here’s How To Cope With It.

Gender Disappointment Is Real. Here’s How To Cope With It.

Pregnancy is a wild ride. One day you’re up, the next day you’re down. An emotional roller coaster up until the day of childbirth, pregnancy oftentimes leaves women in mood swings that are sometimes downright scary. Spouses and partners are generally advised to help keep their pregnant loved ones fed with healthy snacks, hydrated with 8 glasses of water a day and well-rested with 8 hours of sleep (or more) every night to keep all those ever-changing hormonal and bodily changes in check.

Chief amongst pregnant women’s ever-changing emotions is the heavy weight of expecting. They are, after all, expecting to give birth in nine months. And to pregnant women, those nine months of waiting, anticipating and expecting can feel so long.

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