Note: While our brand name has now been changed to ‘Kinacle’, we are keeping this post as-is
One of the most interesting times of any business is when it first launches.
You’re a little fish in a big pond. Nobody knows you. You have a strong voice and a lot to say, but there aren’t too many people around to hear it.
Someway or another, you’ve managed to stumble upon the very first blog post ever published on this site.
Hopefully, one of many. Hundreds, or even thousands.
I believe it will happen.
But you see, when we reach that point, things change a little bit. It’s not the same. People already know you. They have some preconceived opinion of what you represent, that may or may not be accurate.
We’re at a special time right now, because I get to be upfront with you, and tell you what this brand actually represents.
As a new company, I know that we’re probably not all that special to you, and I understand. However, I’m hoping some day that will change. And because of that, I want to share with you a little bit about what’s in store for Starlight Baby.
Not Just Another Company
How many times have you heard a business say this?
Chances are, more than once. Nobody wants to feel like they’re blending in with everyone else.
However, I truly feel this way, because I’ve started and ran numerous companies over my lifetime. And this time, it’s for a completely different purpose.
I grew up in a relatively poor household. My parents relied on food stamps and other forms of government assistance to get by, and having spare money was practically unheard of.
I remember having to schedule showers around the times where we actually had warm water, and I remember not being able to fall asleep at night because it was so cold, as we had no heat.
To many people, this sounds like a terrible way to live, and maybe it was. However, never in my life did I feel ‘poor,’ because I had a family that I was very close to. A family full of love, warmth, and togetherness. Little did I know how much I treasured it.
As I began acquiring more and more professional success, the values I once cherished began to dwindle away. I grew farther and farther apart from the rest of my family, no longer having time for the simple things I once loved so much.
This realization was quite profound, and forced me to reevaluate the direction my life was heading.
What Really Matters?
I personally believe that the greatest source of happiness in life comes from other people.
No amount of material possessions, no new technology, no extravagant lifestyle can replace the ongoing joy and fulfillment that spending time with those you love can bring you.
I co-founded this company with my business partner and grandmother, April McAllister, because I want to make a real difference in the world and work to bring families closer together.
Parents, I know you love your children dearly, or you wouldn’t be here reading this right now. This company was made for you.
Here on the blog, you’ll find plenty of free, helpful information that will make your job as a parent easier. It is my hope that one day this will become one of the world’s greatest free resources for parents, and we’re working to make that happen.
Through our products, we want to offer simple solutions to the problems parents and their babies face as they go about life. Quality and safety are always going to be our #1 priorities, and we’re going to make sure our products are as helpful and valuable as they can possibly be.
Not Just Making Money… Making A Difference
Looking back through the work I’ve done in my life, I know that I’ve felt far more fulfillment from the intangible than the tangible.
We are a company, and we do need to make money to survive and grow. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make a positive difference in the world at the same time.
I am sincerely looking forward to the days where Starlight Baby can donate millions of dollars to charities. I look forward to the day when thousands of people are using this site each day to find valuable information regarding their parenting needs.
I also look forward to meeting you.
If you ever want to reach me directly, you’re welcome to send me an email at james[at] I don’t want to hide behind a wall and pretend I do not exist. I am here for you, and I want to help you in any way that I can.
I look forward to what lies ahead for us as well as this company, because I know it’s truly going to become something great.
And most of all, I thank you for taking this ride with me.
James McAllister, CEO
Glad I am a part of this. Having to read your informative blogs made some changes in my life. To think I have been a parent for one 13 years old and a toddler makes me evaluate how pro I am. But that is not the case there are a lot more to learn than just pure experience. Little have I known about the blog and its purpose until going through all the blogs and reading this 1st blog. I appreciate your pure and great intentions and that makes me more fortunate to be a part of it. Wish you more success and continue that aim of making a positive difference in the world I am with you for that same goal.
Starlight Baby would have been the perfect gift for me when I had my babies. Learning about how much weight is normal when being pregnant. Having a healthy pregnancy. How to care for a baby, and a toddler. Plus other subjects.
After reading a few, I know now that I did most of it wrong and it did affect me in some ways. Not knowing how much weight is normal when being pregnant and how to continue being healthy throughout pregnancies. Was my weakness. By not being healthy, I had a 9 lb baby boy and a 11 lb baby girl. This also affected me in my weight right after they were born. It was hard to loose the weight. Babies were born by cesarean since they were too big. It mostly had to do with the amount of sugar I was taking.
These books would make a perfect gift for every family.
I have been a reader of Starlight Baby blog since a long time. I have also participated on Starlight Baby forum. I find this site very useful and informative. As a new parent, I have learned so many thing for this site. I have a domain called and I might launch my motherhood and fatherhood blogs someday.