Useful Newborn Baby Hacks, Tips And Tricks For The First 3 Months

Useful Newborn Baby Hacks, Tips And Tricks For The First 3 MonthsAre you struggling to make your life easier during your baby’s first three months? Well, you’re not alone! Most parents, or should we say, almost all parents experience this dilemma.

It’s now clear to you that being a parent isn’t as easy as you’ve imagined a couple of months ago. Why? Here are some explanations.

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10 Things Nobody Tells You About Pregnancy

10 Things Nobody Tells You About PregnancyEvery woman’s pregnancy journey is a little different. For some, it’s a wonderful, exciting journey that they breeze through with very minimal side effects. For others, it’s hard just getting out of bed every morning due to unbearable morning sickness.

While you come to expect a lot of potentially nasty side effects and discomfort, there’s a surprising number of ailments and experiences you can go through in pregnancy which you may not be aware of. So, here, we’ll look at 10 things nobody tells you about pregnancy to ensure you’re well-prepared.

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10 Ways To Keep Your Toddler Healthy This Winter

10 Ways To Keep Your Toddler Healthy This WinterWinter can be a magical time, but it can also be a nightmare if you’re the parent of a toddler! As their immune systems aren’t as strong as an adult’s, toddlers are a lot more prone to pick up airborne infections. This means if there’s a cold or flu virus going around, you can guarantee your little one is going to pick it up and spread it to the rest of the family.

Now, it’s practically impossible to stop your toddler getting sick at least once during the winter. Even if you manage to stop them getting within 4-6 feet of somebody who is sneezing, coughing or sniffling, the actual infection often starts before symptoms show. So, at any time your toddler could be exposed to an infection without you even realizing it.

However, this isn’t to say you can’t take precautionary measures and limit the amount your toddler is sick this winter. Below, you’ll discover 10 ways to keep your little one as healthy as possible as the colder, germ-prone months set in.

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Everything You Need To Know About German Measles (Rubella)

Everything You Need To Know About German MeaslesPrior to 1969, German Measles, also known as Rubella, was a common, contagious disease which quickly spread amongst pre-school and elementary school children. However, since a vaccine was released in 1969, the condition has become pretty rare in the US.

Most commonly, it affects young adults and children who have not received the German Measles vaccine. Those in confined spaces such as schools and military bases, tend to be at an increased risk of developing the condition.

So, what exactly is German Measles and what symptoms should you look out for? Find out everything you need to know below.

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Encouraging Toddlers To Put Their Toys Away – Fun Tips Guaranteed To Work

Encouraging Toddlers To Put Their Toys Away - Fun Tips Guaranteed To WorkWhat are some fun ways to encourage a toddler to put their toys away?

Raising a toddler seems to appear fun and exciting since you get to have a “little adult” companion in your home. Toddlers are natural followers, especially when it comes to household chores that adults do every day. They love to participate in cooking, washing the dishes and doing the laundry.

On the other hand, parents of toddlers would agree that when it comes to putting their toys away after play time, it seems to be the hardest job ever! And worse, they may throw a tantrum if you insist that they ought to be responsible for their toys. Sounds pretty stressful, isn’t it?

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How To Keep Baby Warm And Healthy This Winter

How To Keep Baby Warm And Healthy This WinterAre you worried about keeping your baby warm and healthy this winter? It’s common for parents to worry when the colder weather starts to set in; especially in areas where snow is a common occurrence during the winter months. However, the good news is it’s really not as difficult as you might think to ensure your little one is warm, snug and healthy.

You don’t have to stay stuck indoors either. In fact, a little winter air is great for both you and baby. So, rather than hibernating for a few months (however tempting that may be!), check out the tips below on how to keep baby warm and healthy this winter.

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How To Create The Perfect Birthing Plan – Top Tips

How To Create The Perfect Birthing Plan - Top TipsGiving birth should be a wonderful, life-changing experience that you can treasure forever. However, unless you have a plan, there’s a lot of things that can actually go wrong on the day of the birth.

A birthing plan gives you the opportunity to communicate your wants and needs while ensuring everyone knows what they’re supposed to do. It can also help you to get organized and provides you with peace of mind that you’re well-prepared for the day.

However, when it comes to actually creating a birthing plan, it can be difficult to know where to start. What should you include and how exactly should you write it out? If you’re struggling, below you’ll discover some top tips to create the perfect birthing plan.

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Teaching Manners To Your Toddler – Tips That Actually Work

Teaching Manners To Your Toddler - Tips That Actually WorkLet’s be realistic – you’re never going to be able to get your toddler to fully understand and practice certain manners. For example, getting them to chew with their mouth closed just isn’t going to happen! However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some things your toddler is ready and willing to learn.

First and foremost, it’s important to focus on teaching your toddler the idea of manners, rather than the manners themselves. They already have a general idea of what manners are, but if you can expand on what they already know, they’ll find it much easier to practice manners when they’re old enough.

So, here, we’ll focus on the best ways to teach the idea of manners to your toddler. Remember, as with everything you try to teach a toddler -patience and persistence are going to be needed!

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10 Essential Tips For Parents Struggling With Anxiety

10 Essential Tips For Parents Struggling With AnxietyBeing a parent is hard work at the best of times. However, when you’re suffering from anxiety, it can make the job a million times more difficult.

Not only does it make each day tough to get through, but it can also really damage your experience as a parent. When you’re so busy worrying and trying to fight anxiety, you’re missing out on some of the greatest, happiest moments with your little one.

Of course, some level of anxiety as a parent is completely natural. You’re going to worry about your child and whether they’re healthy and happy. However, if the anxiety is a little more extreme and it’s affecting your daily life, it’s time to start dealing with the problem.

It’s not easy admitting you may need help to battle an anxiety disorder. However, you need to know that it’s a lot more common than you might think and these days, there’s plenty of help available. Not sure where to start? Below, you’ll discover 10 essential tips for parents struggling with anxiety.

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Plastic Or Glass Bottles – Which Are Better For Feeding Baby?

Plastic Or Glass Bottles – Which Are Better For Feeding Baby?Trying to decide which type of bottle you should be using to feed your baby? It’s been a topic of debate amongst parents for a while now, with many unsure which is actually better. At one time, baby bottles were simply made from glass – there were no alternatives. Now, there’s a range of plastic and glass varieties available, so how do you know which is better?

Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about both plastic and glass bottles to help you make the best decision.

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